It is with great pride we welcome you to the Church of Scientology Detroit.
Since 1963, we have served a growing congregation in the Motor City and surrounding area. Today, from our landmark location in the heart of our newly resurgent city, we are honored to extend our help to communities in our region and beyond.
Our Church realizes Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s vision that all Churches of Scientology become what he termed Ideal Organizations (Orgs). Ideal Orgs not only provide the ideal facilities to service Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual freedom, but they also serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations.
To that end, we share our Church and our many social betterment and humanitarian programs with this city.
We look forward to working with every group and individual dedicated to uplifting society in the same spirit Detroit has risen to become a modern, multicultural symbol of urban renaissance.
Together, we can achieve our common dream of a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.
The site of the neoclassical landmark that is now home to the Church of Scientology Detroit has no equal in this proud city. For it was at this location in 1701 that Detroit’s first structure—a church—was built by French explorers. Although the wooden structure burned several years later, the location, in what is now the heart of the Detroit Financial District, would go on to become the home of yet another iconic building.
Detroit—America’s love of cars was born here; Motown, the sound of her music was formed here; and World Boxing Champion Joe Louis, one of her first African-American sports heroes, was from here.
Once the nation’s fourth most populous city, home of the most successful industry in the country and site of some of the largest peaceful civil rights demonstrations in the nation’s history, led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Detroit has also seen troubled times.
But just like native son and heavyweight champ Louis, Detroit was down, but not out. Now, it is “America’s Comeback City,” as scores of locals and believers from all over are showing faith in the Motor City, determined to put the mojo back into Motown.